原創 & 策劃
- Teacher Hui Pak Kin
- 拼音讀音: 許百堅老師
- 課文讀音:黃琪瑤小姐
- Mr. Li Chun Kam (Phillip)
- Mr. Lam Chun Fat
- Mr. Wong Chun Wai
- Mr. Chow Ying Ho (Raymond)
- Ms. Cheng Sze Chu (May)
- Ms. Lam Lai Heung (Pauline)
- Ms. Hui Pui Si (Grace)
- 黃賽芳小姐
- Mr. Li Chun Kam (Phillip)
- Mr. Wong Chun Wai
- Mr. Chow Ying Ho (Raymond)
- Ms. Cheng Sze Chu (May)
- Ms. Lam Lai Heung (Pauline)
- Ms. Hui Pui Si (Grace)
- Mr. Chow Ying Ho (Raymond)
- 潮州音字典
http://www.czyzd.com/ - 潮語研習網
http://www.teochewdialect.net/ - 潮州母语
http://www.mogher.com/ - 潮汕方言熟語辭典
編者:林倫倫 - 建議使用Chrome或Firefox瀏覽器,適用於一般電腦(Windows)及Android手機/手提裝置;如屬Apple電腦及手機/手提裝置,必須更新至最新版本的iOS操作系統。
- 網站標示可加入主畫面,方便再次瀏覽!請參照不同裝置、操作系統及瀏覽器的設置說明。
- 網站內容和格式支援智能手機應用程式規格及功能:
※語音-文字同步 - 詩 點擊灰階字體,聆聽單字/辭彙/整句讀音。
- 點擊圖示,聆聽整段讀音。
- 因網站格式的局限,部份獨特的潮州字未能顯示,此類字體以連字[人因]=(左右)或{不會}=(上下)顯示;如屬本字不明的字則以拼音pu顯示。
- ℹ 點擊查閱附加說明。
- 網站常作不定期維護,不另通告。當出現錯誤時,可嘗試執行刷新網站及清除快取記憶。
- 上次更新:18/06/2022
Teochew Dialect is a cultural legacy to the Teochew ethnic group, yet it is regarded as "living fossil" of ancient Chinese language, preserving a lots of characteristics for phonology, vocabulary and grammar from ancient time.
The "Teochew Classroom" website is elaborated from the course material of "Discover Teochew - Teochew Dialect & Culture Study Course" written by Teacher Hui Pak Kin, who designed the course for conservation of Teochew Culture.
This website intends to provide a useful tool for those who are interested in learning Teochew Dialect, especially ideal for those who have attended Teacher Hui's course, serving as material for revsion, review and further learning.
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Author & Superavisor
- Teacher Hui Pak Kin
- Phonics' Voice: Teacher Hui Pak Kin
- Lesson's Voice: Ms. Huang Qi Yao
- Mr. Li Chun Kam (Phillip)
- Mr. Lam Chun Fat
- Mr. Wong Chun Wai
- Mr. Chow Ying Ho (Raymond)
- Ms. Cheng Sze Chu (May)
- Ms. Lam Lai Heung (Pauline)
- Ms. Hui Pui Si (Grace)
- Ms. Wong Chai Fong (Fanny)
- Mr. Li Chun Kam (Phillip)
- Mr. Wong Chun Wai
- Mr. Chow Ying Ho (Raymond)
- Ms. Cheng Sze Chu (May)
- Ms. Lam Lai Heung (Pauline)
- Ms. Hui Pui Si (Grace)
- Mr. Chow Ying Ho (Raymond)
- Chaozhou Dialect Dictionary
http://www.czyzd.com/ - Teochew Dialect Net
http://www.teochewdialect.net/ - Teochew Mogher
http://www.mogher.com/ - Popular Teochew Dialect Dictionary
Author:Lin Lun Lun - This website is best viewed with Chrome or Firefox browsers for Windows-based personal computers and Android-based mobile phones or devices. For Apple-based personal computers and mobile phones or devices, it is necessary to update to the latest version of iOS operation system.
- To facilitate revisiting the website, a shortcut can be created on the home screen with the theme logo. Please refer to settings on individual devices or browsers.
- The website compiles with web-app applications, supporting smart-phone standard and operation, featured:
※Teochew translation into Chinese or English (swipeable)
※Teochew characters with phonics
※Voice-text synchronization - 詩 Click on texts in gray scale to listen to the pronunciation of words / phrases / sentences.
- Click on the audio icon to listen to the pronunciation of the whole paragraph.
- Some peculiar Teochew words in lack of support on web, are displayed in the form of combined-fonts in left-right [人因]= or top-bottom {不會}= orientations, while those unidentified words are displayed by means of phonetic symbol pu.
- ℹ Click for additional information.
- The website is maintained regularly without prior notice. It is recommended to refresh the webpage and clear its cache when malfunctions occurred.
- Last update: 18/06/2022
Teochew Dialect Course
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